Friday, August 6, 2010

Well I dont have anything terribly exciting to share with you right now.

Wow .
That is an entertaining beginning to a blog, right there.


Here are a few of the things I have been working on:

I made this dress for my future sis-in-law, Michelle.

I found a pattern for this version of rosettes.
Very easy.
Now would be a good time for 'how to' pictures.
This blog really is riveting , isn't it?

I made this dress for my friend Krystal.
By the way this IS advertising.
I love sewing denims!
If you want one made I'd be glad to help you out with that.

Has anyone observed that I LOVE flounces and rosettes?

Aaahh the canning season.

My favorite! Banana pickles!

I never claimed to be a master gardener.
But I dont know WHAT went wrong with the carrots!
All 4 rows look like this!

I still scrubbed em, diced em, blanched and froze them.

Is it just me

or does this look like a naughty carrot couple :D

Oh Angie, go to bed before you embarrass yourself.

Woops too late.

Well thats all I have for now.

Have a good one, Readers!

P.S. I love this little boy <3
He reminds me of his daddy every day.


  1. wow that one skirt is very cute!! So are you saying that you would want to sew for people?? I might would have you do a couple skirts for me sometime? Interested?? Carol Beiler

  2. Yes Carol I do do sewing for people. If you want skirts made I would be glad to do them for you.

  3. Your sewing is amazing, Angie, as are both your canning and your humor. :)

  4. hey love your sewing!! and those carrots are hilarous!!:) alyssa

  5. o man i am laughing out loud at your carrots. when i need something sewn, will you do it from a distance?

  6. hey dear Steve like the pic of the carrots!! it is just way to cute!! Karen Rissler

  7. Yes Terri I would do sewing for you if you want! I'm not surprised Steve liked the carrots:) They cracked me up too:)
