Saturday, February 15, 2014

V Day

This Valentines day we completely avoided stores, restaurants, commercialism, etc. And I do believe it was one of my best valentines yet!
Sure, a night out with my man is a welcome treat. 
And nothing makes a girl feel spoiled like a big bouquet of roses. 
But we didn't splurge on overpriced valentine's day products,
 we spent a cozy evening at home.
Me and my 3 loves.
And it was wonderful.

When school work was done. 
And the when the winter clothes were cold and wet 
from hours of outdoor play,
 this guy worked on some valentines day crafts.

And helped set the table,

and whip up a yummy meal.
Spinach salad and homemade bread

 stuffed mushrooms

 Cream cheese mashed potatoes and spinach and pepper jack stuffed chicken breast

Here's my favorite part:
when we were done with the main course 
we took our hot chocolate and cookies into the living room
got cozy and watched a movie.

No going out in the cold.
No driving.
No eating in a loud crowded restaurant.
And dessert on the couch.
I think yes. 
I have had wonderful dates with Matthew over the past 12 years 
but we spent the evening together as a whole family 
and our 2 funny lively little boys make our life so interesting
and life feels so much more meaningful and complete
being a little family together!

Yesterday I asked Sebastian to go study for his spelling test
When I came into the living room a few minutes later this is what I found
Oh they kill me !

Commercial Valentine's day is so focused on couples, 
and it's fun to have a day set aside to make your significant other feel special.
But we can celebrate ALL the people in our lives whom we love, can we not?
I hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day!

the end

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