Monday, April 11, 2011

All on a Spring-y Monday

I had been thinking one day

"wow, I would really love to get a close up picture of a robin"

This is no easy task with the zoom my camera is equipped with.

A little later that day

I was sitting at the table with my back to the window

when suddenly a loud thud nearly knocked me out of my chair.

Seconds later I was taking pictures of the stunned robin:)

Dandelions, already!

My little outdoorsman

Soon it will be green everywhere

and we'll have forgotten all about being tired of snow

The babbling brook I hear from my bedroom window:)

Aah the smell of fresh laundry drying...

Boxwood, tulips and my new wind chimes:)

This handsome boy snorted his disapproval as I photographed him.

Cuppy Cakes !!

My Mom's tried and true chocolate cake and icing recipes...


And we can't make chocolate cupcakes without some peanut butter icing!

And I had to bring some of spring indoors..

some about to bloom tree blossoms...

And a real birdies nest!

Hope you all enjoyed the spring weather as much as me!!


  1. Beautiful post!!! Gloria

  2. love the pics! i'm sure sebastian has alot of fun at that babbling brook! :) Carter would love it! Those cupcakes look extremely good.. i remember your mom's choc cupcakes w/ pnutbutter icing. perfect combo for sure!!

  3. Yesterday was delightful!It was so nice to have a break from rainy,dreary days.Love your coffee table arrangement!

  4. can't wait to hear the wind chimes... your spring decor looks lovely.

  5. oops..the above comment was Tina
