Saturday, July 16, 2011

SUMMER In Full Swing

Birthday Party!

My first fondant cake;
I'll just tell you so you don't have to ask-
Its supposed to be Curious George

My helpers!

He hee

Lil kiddsters and piggy toes:)

Dorky picture of me but it makes me laugh

cuz I just squirted a bunch of ketchup in the candy bowl!

I can almost see the spit!

A weekend of "Ruffin it" with Matt's Fam

Cookin over a fire all weekend: YUMMO!

First fishing experience

No luck :(

This is going to be one of my projects.

I want to paint these chairs.

They just look too dull and unfinished to me.

Any advice on the color?

I was thinking maybe cream...

Like the color in the pillows ??

Some of my posies :)

A fun cabin weekend with my family!

Taking a kick ball game very seriously! :)

My brothers old ford

My dad's family business

Going through the parade

Sebastian's stubborn lil horse.

Thats all for now:)

Ta ta....


  1. How about a pale teal/blue color for your chairs? Would add a little pop of color! :) Your flowers on your porch are gorgeous..mine look sad and piddly in comparison! Looks like you're having a fun, busy summer..Take care!

  2. Like the picture of my hub's at Sebastian's birthday! That's what he gets for acting like a total moron! Tina

  3. Looks like you've been busy!! I really think you did a good job on the monkey cake... i've never tried fondant before..And you putting ketchup in the candy bowl just cracked me up:) We are looking forward to going to that cabin in a few weeks with my family. Can't wait! And aww.. didn't you guys have a horse just like that growing up? Your flower beds look really nice and for the chairs? I like them and i really like the pillows... cream would look nice i'm sure..

  4. @ Steph- Hmmm I kinda like your idea about a lil color/ pop! :) I'm not sure if I am that brave/exciting tho! :P Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. @ Alyssa. I really didn't think fondant was hard- actually I'd say easier than reg icing! but I just bought the icing! wasn't brave enough to make it on the first try. We did have a lil horse like that! have fun at the cabin! Will you be at your parents church at all?

  6. The cake is adorable, and my vote for the chairs is cream. Teal or even a goldenrod would be cute for summer, but if you're like me, painting big projects seasonal colors doesn't happen. ;) I miss seeing you and Sabastian... and I miss Manda toooo... so thanks for the pictures!

  7. Thanks for your vote Becky,and no I definetly do not have time for seasonal painting!
    miss you too!
