Saturday, June 19, 2010


The other Sunday I spent the evening lolligagging around my parents farm with my carera. Here is some of what I captured. I could have gotten many more interesting photos. Maybe another blog... Enjoy.

The garden my parents share with me and my sister

Nothing puts everything back into perspective like a gorgeous sunset!

My aunt was throwing these away. I saved them from their destruction:) I cant wait to use them!

This one made me think ' wouldn't it be nice if life were like this and at each turn in the road there was a big sign clearly stating the right way to go?'

This bell called us in from the barn or playing or whatever we were doing on this 200 acre farm when supper was ready!

Someday I will have nice finished flower beds like this.....

A friend brought me these the other day:) I love them!

And finally the finished product from project number 2.

Yes my carpet is a very 70's green. It is quite hard to hide in photos too.

Hopefully in the next blog I will be able to show you some new projects. Have a good day everybody!



  1. awe looks gorgeous makes me think i should come and visit
